
Palworld: How to Create a Dedicated Server for Friends

Palworld: Como Criar um Servidor Dedicado para Amigos

Palworld: How to Create a Dedicated Server for Friends. Did you know it’s possible to create a dedicated server, but only for playing with friends?

Palworld: How to Create a Dedicated Server for Friends

Running a dedicated server on a secondary computer is a viable option.

Palworld: How to Create a Dedicated Server for Friends

I am currently employing this approach.

  • Download the Palworld Dedicated Server and subsequently launch Pal.exe within the designated folder.
  • Crucial Note: Avoid initiating it through Steam!
  • Developer Community: SteamCMD

It is presently feasible to implement a password; however, the server must be configured as community-based for the password feature to operate until this matter is rectified.

Additionally, outsourcing a server from third-party companies is a plausible alternative.

Palworld Dedicated Server Setup:

For those encountering complexities, a comprehensive visual guide is available in the video below. Although the procedure varies, it proves highly advantageous.


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Written by Staff

Criativo, Mandão. Ama comida boa.


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