
DOOM 3: Commands Cheats and Hidden Secrets

DOOM 3 Commands Cheats and Hidden Secrets

DOOM 3: Commands Cheats and Hidden Secrets. This guide covers cheats, storage locker, door, and other codes for Doom 3, Resurrection of Evil, and The Lost Mission in sequence. Press Ctrl+F for convenient searching.

DOOM 3: Commands Cheats and Hidden Secrets

To access the console, simply press Ctrl+Alt+~(Tilde) in a single-player game. Alternatively, press Tilde(~) if the com_allowconsole 1 cheat has already been entered.

  • god – God Mode.
  • give ammo – Max Ammo.
  • give health – Max Health.
  • give armor – Gives you 125 armor.
  • give keys – All keys.
  • give all – All weapons with full ammo, health and armor.
  • give pda – Gives PDAs/disks of the level you’re in.
  • give berserk – Berserk mode.
  • kill – Commit suicide.
  • killmonsters – Kills all Monsters.
  • com_allowconsole 1 – This will make it so you only have to press ~ to open the console, no longer alt+ctrl+~.
  • com_showfps 1 – Draws your framerate (FPS)..
  • status – Your game status.
  • quit – Quit game.
  • notarget – Invisibility to most enemies.
  • gfxinfo – Graphics card information.
  • freeze – Freeze all on screen.
  • benchmark – Game Benchmark.
  • avidemo – Saves a demo of your playing to an AVI movie file.
  • pm_jumpheight ### – Defines how high you jump.
  • pm_walkspeed ### – Defines how fast you are when you walk.
  • pm_runspeed ### – Defines how fast you are when you run/sprint.
  • pm_crouchspeed ### – Defines how fast you are when you crouch.
  • pm_noclipspeed ### – Defines how fast you move with the “noclip” code turned on.
  • r_brightness <#> – Set brightness level.
  • r_gamma <0-3> – Set gamma level.
  • s_showlevelmeter 1 – Toggle sound level display.
  • say – Send message to everyone in multi-player.
  • killmoveables – Kill all moving enemies.
  • killragdolls – Kill all non-moving enemies.
  • listmonsters – Lists images of monsters.
  • listlightdefs – Lists indicated def file settings.
  • noclip – Walk through solid objects.
  • editor – Opens up map editor.
  • g_showprojectilepct 1 – Toggle hit % to HUD.
  • g_showplayershadow 1 – You can see your shadow during singleplayer.
  • g_nightmare 1 – Unlock Nightmare Mode.
  • set g_dragEntity 1 – Grabs objects/bodies when you aim and fire at them.
  • clear – Clear console text.
  • idkfa – Secret message.
  • com_fixedtic -1 – Removes 60 FPS Limit.
  • clearlights – All lights turn off, only light is by flashlight.
  • testlight – Makes a light for you to see better.
  • spawn monster_zombie_morgue – Spawns a zombie similar to the one in the infirmary.
  • gotohell – Instant win.

Spawn Weapons / Ammo

  • give weapon_plasmagun – Plasmagun.
  • give weapon_bfg – BFG.
  • give weapon_chainsaw – Chainsaw.
  • give weapon_rocketlauncher – Rocketlauncher.
  • give weapon_shotgun – Shotgun.
  • give weapon_machinegun – Machinegun.
  • give weapon_chaingun – Chaingun.
  • give weapon_flashlight – Gives Flashlight.
  • spawn weapon_soulcube – Soul Cube.
  • spawn weapon_plasmagun – Plasma Rifle.
  • spawn weapon_rocketlauncher – Rocket Launcher.
  • spawn weapon_machinegun – Machinegun.
  • spawn weapon_chaingun – Chaingun.
  • spawn weapon_shotgun – Shotgun.
  • spawn weapon_bfg – BFG 9000.
  • spawn weapon_pistol – Pistol.
  • give ammo_cells_large – Large ammo for Plasma Rifle.
  • give ammo_cells_small – Ammo for Plasma Rifle.
  • give ammo_bullets_large – Large ammo for Pistol.
  • give ammo_bullets_small – Ammo for Pistol.
  • give ammo_bfg_small – Ammo for BFG 9000.
  • give ammo_belt_small – Ammo for Chaingun.
  • give ammo_clip_small – Ammo for Machinegun.
  • give ammo_clip_large – Large ammo for Machinegun.
  • give ammo_grenage_small – Hand Grenades.
  • give ammo_rockets_small – Ammo for Rocket Launcher.
  • give ammo_rockets_large – Large ammo for Rocket Launcher.
  • give ammo_shells_small – Ammo for Shotgun.
  • give ammo_shells_large – Large ammo for Shotgun.

Spawn Monsters / Items

Enter these codes to summon various monsters/weapons. Consider using the “notarget” cheat to prevent immediate attacks.

  • spawn monster_boss_guardian_spawner – Spawns the floating blue thing above the Guardian.
  • spawn monster_boss_guardian_seeker – Spawns the Guardian’s Seeker.
  • spawn monster_boss_maledict_cinematic – Spawns an immobile, untouchable, unremovable Maledict.
  • spawn monster_boss_sabaoth – Spawns the CPU boss, Sabaoth.
  • spawn monster_boss_Vagary – Spawns the spider boss, Vagary.
  • spawn monster_demon_revenant – Spawns a revenant.
  • spawn monster_boss_guardian – Spawns the hell boss, the Guardian.
  • spawn monster_zombie_boney – Spawns a strong, boney zombie.
  • spawn monster_zombie_bernie – Spawns a flaming Bernie zombie.
  • spawn monster_flying_lostsoul – Spawns a lostsoul, somewhat low to the ground.
  • spawn monster_demon_imp_crawl_armdoor – Spawns an imp in a weird position. Doesnt move.
  • spawn monster_demon_imp_crawler – Spawns an imp that starts out in crawling position.
  • spawn monster_demon_cherub – Spawns a cherub (baby locust).
  • spawn monster_flying_cacodemon – Flying Cacodemon.
  • spawn monster_demon_mancubus – Mancubus demon.
  • spawn monster_demon_archvile – Arch-Vile demon.
  • spawn monster_demon_tick – Tick demon.
  • spawn monster_demon_hellknight – Hellknight demon.
  • spawn monster_demon_maggot – Maggot demon.
  • spawn monster_demon_trite – Trite demon.
  • spawn monster_demon_pinky – Pinky Demon (Cyber dog).
  • spawn monster_demon_imp – Imp.
  • spawn monster_zombie_commando – Tentacle Zombie.
  • spawn monster_zombie_commando_cgun – Chaingun Zombie.
  • spawn monster_zombie_maint – Yellow Jacket Zombie.
  • spawn monster_zombie_fat – Fat zombie.
  • spawn monster_boss_cyberdemon – Cyberdemon.
  • spawn moveable_base_brick – Base brick.
  • spawn moveable_burger – Burger.
  • spawn moveable_paperwad – Wad of paper.
  • spawn moveable_burgerboxclose – Closed burger box.
  • spawn moveable_burgerboxopen – Open burger box.
  • spawn moveable_base_boulder – Boulder.
  • spawn moveable_base_domino – Domino.
  • spawn moveable_base_barrel – Barrel.
  • spawn moveable_base_fixed – Base.
  • spawn moveable_computer – Computer.
  • spawn moveable_ktable – Table.
  • spawn moveable_chair (1,2 or 5) – Chair.
  • spawn env_gibs_leftarm (or right) – Spawns a bloody arm.
  • spawn env_gibs_leftleg (or right) – Spawns a bloody leg.
  • spawn env_gibs_torso – Spawns a bloody human torso.
  • spawn env_gibs_spine – Spawns a bloody spine.
  • spawn char_campbell_bfg – Spawns campbell holding BFG.
  • spawn char_hazmat – Spawns a hazard suit scientist.
  • spawn char_campbell – Spawns campbell holding…nothing!
  • spawn char_campbell_bfgcase – Spawns campbell holding his BFG case.
  • spawn char_betruger – Spawns the evil betruger.
  • spawn char_swann – Spawns swann.
  • spawn moveable_base – Base.
  • spawn moveable_wrench – Wrench.
  • spawn moveable_cannister – Canister.
  • spawn moveable_blaptop – Laptop.
  • spawn moveable_cartonbox (1-8) – Carton.
  • spawn moveable_cokecan – Oke can.
  • spawn moveable_monitor – Monitor.
  • spawn moveable_gizmo (1-3) – Gizmo.
  • spawn moveable_item_(any weapon here) – Weapons.
  • spawn marscity_marine_helmet_p90_walking – Armed guard.
  • spawn char_security_goggles_pistol – Guard with a pistol.
  • spawn moveable_burningtank – Oxygen tank that explodes when shot.
  • spawn moveable_explodingtank – Oxygen tank that explodes when shot.
  • spawn moveable_burningbarrel – Highly explosive barrel.
  • spawn moveable_explodingbarrel – Explosive barrel.
  • spawn env_ragdoll_skeleton2 – Clean skeleton.
  • spawn env_ragdoll_skeleton – Bloody skeleton.
  • spawn monster_zsec_pistol_slowfire – Spawns a Zsec with a pistol, fires slowly.
  • spawn monster_zsec_shotgun – Spawns a Zsec with a shotgun.
  • spawn monster_zsec_machinegun – Spawns a Zsec with a machine gun.
  • spawn monster_zsec_pistol – Spawns a Zsec with a pistol.

Test-Map Codes

  • map testmaps/test_lotsaimps – Large room with lots of enemies.
  • map testmaps/test_boxstack – Tall room with domino effect boxes.
  • map testmaps/test_box – A simple room.

Level Codes

  • map game/alphalabs2 map game/alphalabs2 – Alpha Labs 2
  • map game/alphalabs3 – Alpha Labs 3
  • map game/alphalabs4 – Alpha Labs 4
  • map game/caverns1 – Caverns 1
  • map game/caverns2 – Caverns 2
  • map game/comm1 – Comm 1
  • map game/commoutside – Comm Outside
  • map game/cpu – CPU
  • map game/cpuboss – CPU Boss
  • map game/delta1 – Delta 1
  • map game/delta2 – Delta 2
  • map game/delta3 – Delta 3
  • map game/delta4 – Delta 4
  • map game/delta5 – Delta 5
  • map game/enpro – Enpro
  • map game/hell1 – Hell 1
  • map game/hellhole – Hellhole
  • map game/mars_city1 – Mars City 1
  • map game/mars_city2 – Mars City 2
  • map game/mc_underground – MC Underground
  • map game/monorail – Monorail
  • map game/pdas – PDAs
  • map game/recycling1 – Recycling 1
  • map game/recycling2 – Recycling 2
  • map game/alphalabs1 – Alpha Labs 1
  • map game/site3 – Site 3
  • map game/mp/d3dm1 – Multiplayer Map 1
  • map game/mp/d3dm2 – Multiplayer Map 2
  • map game/mp/d3dm3 – Multiplayer Map 3
  • map game/mp/d3dm4 – Multiplayer Map 4
  • map game/mp/d3dm5 – Multiplayer Map 5

Third-Person Mode

  • pm_thirdperson 1 – 3rd person view on.
  • pm_thirdperson 0 – 3rd person view off.
  • pm_thirdPersonRange “Value” – Change the distance the camera is from you in third person. 0 is a face view, 80 is default.
  • pm_thirdPersonHeight “Value” – Change the height you are viewed in third person. Negative numbers are below normal.
  • pm_thirdpersondeath 1 – Play from third person with your HUD, crosshair, etc.
  • pm_thirdPersonAngle “Value” – Change the angle your character is viewed in thirdperson. 180 is a front view.

Storage Secret Codes

This is a chronological list of all secret storage codes.

Doom 3

Locker codes:

  • Locker 001 – 396 (Maintenance)
  • Locker 023 – 531 (Energy Stabilization Unit)
  • Locker 017 – 347 (Infirmary)
  • Locker 013 – 586 (Alpha Labs Hallway)
  • Locker 009 – 752 (EPD Lab)
  • Locker 038 – 409 (MFS Compressor)
  • Locker 039 – 102 (Coolant Control Junction)
  • Locker 047 – 123 (Hazardous Materials Lift)
  • Locker 048 – 123 (Coolant Monitoring)
  • Locker 049 – 123 (EFR Staging Room 1B)
  • Locker 064 – 651 (EFR Master Valve)
  • Locker 063 – 972 (Power Access Core)
  • Locker 054 – 246 (Security Office)
  • Locker 054 – 142 (Boarding Platform)
  • Locker 003 – 483 (Monorail Access)
  • Locker 078 – 364 (Delta Checkpoint Storage)
  • Locker 079 – 364 (Delta Checkpoint Storage)
  • Locker 112 – 538 (Records Office)
  • Locker 116 – 972 (Delta Security)
  • Locker 114 – 715 (Operations Server Room)
  • Locker 103 – 259 (Maintenance Corridor)
  • Locker 216 – 624 (Specimen Research Lab)
  • Locker 217 – 624 (Specimen Research Lab)
  • Locker 213 – 371 (Stasis Transfer Control)
  • Locker 666 – 372 (Analysis Control)
  • Locker 386 – 836 (T1 Access)
  • Locker 387 – 836 (T1 Access)
  • Locker 317 – 841 (Terminal Office Storage)
  • Locker 104 – 579 (Delta 4 Security)
  • Locker 452 – 571 (Entrance Checkpoint)
  • Locker 669 – 468 (Lab A Upper Floors)

Other codes:

  • Failure Code for Operations Terminal – 842 (Energy Processing)
  • Weapons Storage (Marine Command) – 584 (Combat Preparation)
  • Martian Buddy Locker #1 – 0508 (North Hallway)
  • Plasma Storage Locker – 734 (Maintenance 3)
  • Monorail Airlock Site 2 Junction 5 Airlock – 826 (Site 2 Boarding Platform)
  • Storage Locker 21-D – 298 (Delta Labs Sector 1)
  • Chief M. Abrams Office – 931 (Office M. Abrams)
  • Storage 07 Door – 725 (Central Processing)
  • Level 3 Access Door – 463 (Central Processing)
  • CPU Lab A Door Access – 627 (Main Entrance Hall)

Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil

Locker codes:

  • Locker 028 – 516
  • Locker 029 – 516
  • Locker 105 – 769
  • Locker 407 – 937
  • Locker 408 – 937
  • Locker 034 – 134
  • Locker 035 – 134
  • Locker 042 – 714
  • Locker 009 – 492
  • Locker 116 – 634
  • Locker 117 – 634

Other codes:

  • Display Case in Sarge’s Office – 428
  • Security Core Bridge – 281

Doom 3: The Lost Mission

Locker codes:

  • Locker 054 – 631
  • Locker 108 – 847
  • Locker 104 – 579
  • Locker 965 – 428
  • Locker 071 – 532
  • Locker 805 – 372
  • Locker 806 – 372

Other codes:

Coolant Control Room Display Cabinet – 731

Tips & Tricks

  • Learn to use the PDA as soon as you get it. All codes for cabinets are found on other PDA’s, either in the e-mails, or voice logs. You don’t want to miss the goodies in the cabinets.
  • The game does not pause while you’re using your PDA, only use it when you’re absolutely sure nothing is around.
  • There’s plenty of ammunition in the game, but switch the weapons from time to time. If you use one or two the whole time, you will run out of ammo for it. While we’re at it, the shotgun and the rifle will probably be the two most used weapons. Get used to them both, the shotgun is 1-shotting most things within melee range, while the rifle is really weak, but accurate. Go for full body shots with the shotgun, and headshots with the rifle.
  • Bind your flashlight to RMB, and chainsaw to F. You’re going to use the flashlight all the time, and from time to time will need to use the chainsaw. Easier to push F than 0.
  • Enemies will come from all sides. See a dark corner? There’s probably an imp there. A small vent shaft? Expect spiders. Look back, the enemies often spawn behind you.
  • Smacking enemies with the flashlight actually does considerable damage. Use it when enemies are too close, but you don’t got time to ready another weapon. Kills zombies in 2 hits.

What do you think?

Written by Staff

Criativo, Mandão. Ama comida boa.


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