
My Singing Monsters List by Breeding Times

My Singing Monsters: Lista de Monstros

My Singing Monsters List Monsters Sorted by Breeding Times. This guide categorizes each monster based on their breeding times.

My Singing Monsters List by Breeding Times


Every monster has a breeding time. This guide is a one-stop shop for matching these times with their respective monsters.

To find the monster with your time:

  1. Round the breeding time that first pops up to the nearest ten seconds (e.g., 1:07:28 -> 1:07:30).
  2. Head to this guide and press CTRL+F.
  3. Type in your time. Keep in mind that many monsters have the same breeding time. Times listed in parentheses are based on the Enhanced Breeding Structure. If your time is shared across multiple monsters and you are unsure which, search the breeding combos for those monsters online.

Alternatively, to find the time of your monster:

  1. Head to this guide and press CTRL+F
  2. Type in your monster. If you are looking for, say, Rare Entbrat, make sure the “Rare” part is included in your search.

MSM Friend Code: 4000016752BC

Single-Element Monsters

  • 0:00:05 (0:00:03) – Noggin
  • 0:01:00 (0:00:45) – Toe Jammer
  • 0:02:00 (0:01:30) – Mammott
  • 2:00:00 (1:30:00) – Potbelly
  • 4:00:00 (3:00:00) – Tweedle
  • 7:00:00 (5:15:00) – Kayna

Double-Element Monsters

  • 0:30:00 (0:22:30) – Fwog, Drumpler, Maw
  • 8:00:00 (6:00:00) – Furcorn, Oaktopus, Shrubb, Dandidoo, Quibble, Pango, Cybop
  • 10:00:00 (7:30:00) – Stogg, Phangler, Boskus, Flowah, Glowl

Triple-Element Monsters

  • 8:00:00 (6:00:00) – T-Rox
  • 12:00:00 (9:00:00) – Bowgart, Clamble, Pummel, Spunge, Thumpies, Congle, Scups, PomPom, Reedling
  • 20:00:00 (15:00:00) – Repatillo, Barrb, Floogull, Whaddle, Woolabee, Wynq, Rootitoot, Ziggurab, Thrumble, Sooza

Quad-Element Monsters

  • 24:00:00 (18:00:00) or 1:00:00:00 (18:00:00) – Entbrat, Deedge, Riff, Shellbeat, Quarrister
  • 40:00:00 (30:00:00) or 1:16:00:00 (1:06:00:00) – Tring, Sneyser

Single-Element Ethereals

Natural Islands

  • 36:00:00 (27:00:00) or 1:12:00:00 (1:03:00:00) – Ghazt, Grumpyre, Reebro, Jeeode, Humbug

Ethereal Island

  • 10:00:00 (7:30:00) – Ghazt, Grumpyre, Reebro, Jeeode, Humbug

Double-Element Ethereals

  • 42:00:00 (31:30:00) or 1:18:00:00 (1:07:30:00) – Whisp, Nebulob, Sox, Jellbilly, Arackulele, Bellowfish, Boodoo, Dragong, Kazilleon, Fung Pray


  • 35:00:00 (26:15:00) or 1:11:00:00 (1:02:15:00) – Shugabush, Shugarock, Shugabass, Shugajo, Shugabeats, Shugabuzz, Shugitar, Shugavox

Seasonal Monsters

  • 18:00:00 (13:30:00) – Punkleton
  • 36:00:00 (27:00:00) or 1:12:00:00 (1:03:00:00) – Yool
  • 31:06:30 (23:19:52) or 1:07:06:30 (23:19:52) – Schmoochle
  • 19:00:00 (14:15:00) – Blabbit
  • 25:00:00 (18:45:00) or 1:01:00:00 (18:45:00) – Hoola
  • 21:00:00 (15:45:00) – Gobbleygourd

Mythical Monsters

  • 18:00:00 (13:30:00) – G’joob
  • 28:00:00 (21:00:00) or 1:07:00:00 (21:00:00) – Yawstritch

Magical Monsters

  • 2:00:00 (1:30:00) – Flouress
  • 3:00:00 (2:15:00) – Theremind
  • 4:00:00 (3:00:00) – Floot Fly
  • 5:00:00 (3:45:00) – Clackula
  • 9:00:00 (6:45:00) – Gob, Bulbo, Pluckbill, Poppette, Bonkers, Yuggler, HippityHop, Squot, Wimmzies, Peckidna, Denchuhs, Hawlo
  • 16:00:00 (12:00:00) – Spytrap, TooToo, Fiddlement, Tapricorn, Rooba, Periscorp, Cantorell, Bridg-it, Clavi Gnat, Withur, Uuduk, Banjaw
  • 32:00:00 (24:00:00) or 1:08:00:00 (1:00:00:00) – Blow’t, Gloptic, Pladdie, Plinkajou

Rare Single-Element Monsters

  • 6:00:00 (4:30:00) – Rare Noggin, Rare Toe Jammer, Rare Mammott, Rare Potbelly, Rare Tweedle
  • 8:00:00 (6:00:00) – Rare Kayna

Rare Double-Element Monsters

  • 1:07:30 (0:50:37) – Rare Drumpler, Rare Maw
  • 1:15:00 (0:56:15) – Rare Fwog
  • 10:30:00 (7:52:30) – Rare Furcorn, Rare Oaktopus, Rare Shrubb, Rare Dandidoo, Rare Quibble, Rare Pango, Rare Cybop
  • 13:30:00 (10:07:30) – Rare Stogg, Rare Phangler, Rare Boskus, Rare Flowah, Rare Glowl

Rare Triple-Element Monsters

  • 10:30:00 (7:52:30) – Rare T-Rox
  • 15:30:00 (11:37:30) – Rare Bowgart, Rare Clamble, Rare Pummel, Rare Spunge, Rare Thumpies, Rare Congle, Rare Scups, Rare PomPom, Rare Reedling
  • 26:30:00 (19:52:30) or 1:02:30:00 (19:52:30) – Rare Repatillo, Rare Barrb, Rare Floogull, Rare Whaddle, Rare Woolabee, Rare Wynq, Rare Rootitoot, Rare Ziggurab, Rare Thrumble, Rare Sooza

Rare Quad-Element Monsters

  • 30:30:00 (22:52:30) or 1:06:30:00 (22:52:30) – Rare Entbrat, Rare Deedge, Rare Riff, Rare Shellbeat, Rare Quarrister
  • 52:30:00 (39:22:30) or 2:04:30:00 (1:15:22:30) – Rare Tring, Rare Sneyser

Rare Single-Element Ethereals

Natural Islands

  • 45:30:00 (34:07:30) or 1:21:30:00 (1:10:07:30) – Rare Ghazt, Rare Grumpyre, Rare Reebro, Rare Jeeode, Rare Humbug

Ethereal Island

  • 12:38:15 (9:28:41) – Rare Ghazt, Rare Grumpyre, Rare Reebro, Rare Jeeode, Rare Humbug

Rare Double-Element Ethereals

  • 52:30:00 (39:22:30) or 2:04:30:00 (1:15:22:30) – Rare Whisp, Rare Nebulob, Rare Arackulele, Rare Sox, Rare Jellbilly, Rare Bellowfish, Rare Kazilleon, Rare Boodoo
  • 53:00:00 (39:45:00) or 2:05:00:00 (1:15:45:00) – Rare Dragong, Rare Fung Pray

Rare Seasonals

  • 24:15:00 (18:11:00) or 1:00:15:00 (18:11:00) – Rare Blabbit
  • 31:45:00 (23:48:45) or 1:07:45:00 (23:48:45) – Rare Punkleton, Rare Hoola
  • 39:15:00 (29:26:15) or 1:15:15:00 (1:05:26:15) – Rare Schmoochle
  • 45:30:00 (34:07:30) or 1:21:30:00 (1:10:07:30) – Rare Yool

Rare Magical Monsters

  • 8:00:00 (6:00:00) – Rare Theremind
  • 12:30:00 (9:22:30) – Rare Wimmzies

Epic Single-Element Monsters

  • 1:00:00 (0:45:00) – Epic Noggin
  • 3:00:00 (2:15:00) – Epic Toe Jammer
  • 5:00:00 (3:45:00) – Epic Mammott
  • 9:00:00 (6:45:00) – Epic Potbelly
  • 11:00:00 (8:15:00) – Epic Tweedle
  • 15:00:00 (11:15:00) – Epic Kayna

Epic Double-Element Monsters

  • 7:00:00 (5:15:00) – Epic Fwog
  • 13:00:00 (9:45:00) – Epic Maw
  • 15:00:00 (11:15:00) – Epic Drumpler
  • 17:00:00 (12:45:00) – Epic Furcorn
  • 19:00:00 (14:15:00) – Epic Shrubb
  • 21:00:00 (15:45:00) – Epic Quibble
  • 23:00:00 (17:15:00) – Epic Cybop
  • 27:00:00 (20:15:00) or 1:03:00:00 (20:15:00) – Epic Pango
  • 29:00:00 (21:45:00) or 1:05:00:00 (21:45:00) – Epic Dandidoo
  • 31:00:00 (23:15:00) or 1:07:00:00 (23:15:00) – Epic Oaktopus

Epic Triple-Element Monsters

  • 17:00:00 (12:45:00) – Epic Reedling
  • 19:00:00 (14:15:00) – Epic T-Rox
  • 21:00:00 (15:45:00) – Epic Clamble
  • 23:00:00 (17:15:00) – Epic Congle
  • 25:00:00 (18:45:00) or 1:01:00:00 (18:45:00) – Epic Spunge
  • 27:00:00 (20:15:00) or 1:03:00:00 (20:15:00) – Epic PomPom
  • 29:00:00 (21:45:00) or 1:05:00:00 (21:45:00) – Epic Bowgart
  • 31:00:00 (23:15:00) or 1:07:00:00 (23:15:00) – Epic Pummel
  • 33:00:00 (24:45:00) or 1:09:00:00 (1:00:45:00) – Epic Thumpies
  • 37:00:00 (27:45:00) or 1:13:00:00 (1:03:45:00) – Epic Scups

Epic Quad-Element Monsters

  • 35:00:00 (26:15:00) or 1:11:00:00 (1:02:15:00) – Epic Quarrister
  • 39:00:00 (29:15:00) or 1:15:00:00 (1:05:15:00) – Epic Riff
  • 41:00:00 (30:45:00) or 1:17:00:00 (1:06:45:00) – Epic Deedge
  • 43:00:00 (32:15:00) or 1:19:00:00 (1:08:15:00) – Epic Shellbeat
  • 45:00:00 (33:45:00) or 1:21:00:00 (1:09:45:00) – Epic Entbrat

Epic Single-Element Ethereals

Natural Islands

  • 30:00:00 (22:30:00) or 1:06:00:00 (22:30:00) – Epic Ghazt

Ethereal Island

  • 08:20:00 (06:15:00) – Epic Ghazt

Epic Seasonals

  • 21:20:00 (16:00:00) – Epic Hoola
  • 22:15:00 (16:40:00) – Epic Schmoochle
  • 25:12:00 (18:54:00) or 1:01:12:00 (18:54:00) – Epic Yool
  • 25:22:00 (19:01:30) or 1:01:22:00 (19:01:30) – Epic Blabbit
  • 31:10:00 (23:22:30) or 1:07:10:00 (23:22:30) – Epic Punkleton

Written by Wormieedited by opapost.

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Written by Staff

Criativo, Mandão. Ama comida boa.


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